Friday, August 17, 2012

Skin Authority spa skincare review + GIVEAWAY (worth $299!)

          Today I'm excited to share my review of the 'Ritz-y' spa skincare line Skin Authority, as well as offer a phenomenal Skin Authority giveaway prize (valued at $299) to one lucky Cute and Mundane reader! You might not have seen Skin Authority on shelves, but that's the point. They exclusively distribute to retailers that can explain their vision for skincare. Skin Authority is carried at Ritz Carlton spas in the U.S. and Canada, as well as other high end spas nationwide. You might remember that I had my first experience with Skin Authority products at the Dana Hotel and Spa (read about it here). I was so pleased with the results, that I agreed to put down my usual skincare and go on a Skin Authority regimen for three weeks!

          One of the highlights of Skin Authority products is the great customer service that comes with it. I was contacted via email by Carrie, one of Skin Authority's skincare coaches, who gave me a detailed regimen on how to use my products. She also checked in with me throughout the whole process to make sure things were going well.  The products were of high quality and feel; Skin Authority long ago eliminated parabens, dyes, and animal testing. My somewhat finicky skin felt comfortable throughout the process, barring a bad breakout incident with a Skin Authority moisturizer containing sunscreen. (Sunscreen is an important part of any glycolic acid routine, since your skin is more susceptible to the sun). After the incident, Carrie worked out a plan with me where I could use my own physical blocker only sunscreen to continue my glycolic acid clear skin routine and all was well.

          Here, I'll review the Skin Authority products I used, which were targeted towards clearing my acne-prone skin. The Skin Authority Daily Cleanser has a really thick viscous gel-like consistency and has glycolic acid to aid skin turnover. It works easily over the face and gave a very clean, but not stripped feeling. I liked this a lot. The Skin Authority Super-C Serum is a serum I used in the mornings. It's thicker serum with Vitamin C and antioxidants. It's a heavier serum. I love Vitamin C serums and will probably use this to the last drop. The Acne and Oil Control is the major Glycolic Acid containing product that you pat on your face to encourage skin turnover. It's much like a toner. I think this did make a difference in my skin quality. Not all my breakouts disappeared, but it did help. The Skin Authority Vitamin A Cell Renewal is a lotion with retinyl palmitate and other ingredients to encourage cell turnover. And finally, the Tri-Peptide-Hydrator is a moisturizer containing peptides to encourage healthy skin cell growth. I liked how moisturizing it was, and will likely continue to use it, especially as the seasons get cooler. At the end of the three weeks, my skin was in pretty good shape; many breakouts were controlled. However, I still did have a few lingering breakouts here and there, which could be due to hormonal or general sensitivity issues I may have. This is ok, though since I don't expect any one skincare routine to be a magic bullet.

           Overall, I had a positive experience with my Skin Authority experience, and think the products are of high quality. I'm still using the Super-C serum everyday, and will be mixing the other products in with my regular routine. Most of the full-size products I used are found in the Skin Authority Clear Skin Kit (Retail Value $299, seen here), which Skin Authority has generously offered to provide to one lucky Cute and Mundane reader (U.S. and Canada)! Make sure to read the rules and enter using the Rafflecopter Widget below. Good Luck!

Love, Dovey.

Giveaway rules and information: Please enter using the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to readers with U.S. and Canadian addresses. I will randomly pick one eligible winner using the Rafflecopter widget after the conclusion of the giveaway. The winner will have 72 hours to respond to my email with their mailing address, which I will provide to PR for the purposes of mailing the prize. If the winner does not respond, I may pick a new winner. Skin Authority PR will be responsible for sending out the prize. I reserve the right to disqualify an entrant for any reason I see fit. Reasons may include (but are not limited to) false or ambiguous entries (a.k.a. not completing the task you said you did), multiple entries for one person, and accounts suspected to be used solely for the purpose of 'giveaway hunting. Giveaway rules may change without notice. If any changes are made, they will be updated in the blog post and widget.
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Disclosure: This post contains product(s) sent to Cute and Mundane for consideration by PR. The ideas and opinions in this post are genuine and my own.    


  1. I guess my best skin tip would be to wash your face daily, morning and night depending on your skin type to keep it clean. I used to never do it as a teenager and omg...don't do that lol

  2. When I'm removing eye makeup, I let a remover-soaked cotton pad sit on each eye for 1-2 minutes before wiping. This dissolves the makeup and requires less rubbing of the delicate tissues.

  3. I think using a gentle makeup remover, whether it be oil or wipes, over toner is the best tip I've ever heard!

  4. my best skin care tip is to not touch my face with my hands - such an improvement in number of breakouts!

  5. WEAR SUNSCREEN OR SUNBLOCK! Everyone! Even if you barely go in the sun, the damage builds up.

    Also, if you're trying to get neat, sharp corners on eye makeup, use scotch tape.

  6. My best skincare tip? Probably to always, always moisturize. There's an appropriate moisturizer for every skin type, and you can't go without it!

  7. My best skincare tip, always wash your face at night before going to bed to remove all makeup and impurities that cause dirt to build up in your pores, which then cause breakouts and acne!

  8. My best skin care tip would have to be, to remove ALL your makeup before you go to sleep.

  9. Best skincare tip would be to let your skin 'breathe' a couple times of week (ie. go light on the makeup or better yet, wear no makeup!)

  10. Use a face mask at least once a week!

  11. Always wash your face before bed, never go to bed with makeup.

  12. Best skincare tip: Never rub your eyes and always wash your makeup, especially eye makeup, before bed.

  13. My best tip is actually three:

    1. never forget the sunscreen

    2. find the best care regimen for your particular skin and use it religiously

    3. DO NOT SMOKE!!!

    Thank you so much for the review and the giveaway, Dovey; seeing some results in three weeks is awesome!

  14. Never go to bed with makeup on. To that end I keep a package of cleansing wipes in my nightstand for those nights that I'm already in bed & realize I haven't removed my makeup. Not something to be used every night but useful in a pinch! My other favorite tip is something I learned from a Lisa Eldridge video - let the cotton pad with your makeup remover 'sit' against your eye before you start wiping to remove your eye makeup. It will soften the mascara, etc. so that you don't have to tug or exert much pressure to get all of your eye makeup off.

  15. -Water
    -Washing the face twice a day
    Those are my tips!

  16. Try to go to bed before midnight.

  17. Ooh, what a great giveaway! :)

    My tip is to try to go makeup-free for as long as possible every few weeks to let the skin breathe and receive treatments without interference.

  18. My best skin care tip is to use moisturizer and sunscreen daily

  19. To control breakouts I think that making sure you get every last bit of makeup off at the end of the day is key. I usually wash my face twice with the same gentle cleanser. once by to get most of the makeup off and a second time with my clarisonic. That and a BHA with a proper PH is key.

  20. Wash your face 2x at night with a gentle cleanser to get every last bit of makeup off.

  21. Skincare tip, probably wash make up off at the end of the day/night and moisturize and SPF!!

  22. My tip is to use moisturizer daily.

  23. Always wash your face before bed.

  24. Exfoliation and remove my makeup before bed no matter how tired I'm


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